We are the leading website for the secondary ticket market. The prices of the tickets can be higher or lower than the nominal value.

Sell Real Madrid tickets

vende tus entradas en entradasmadrid

What is SELLS Real Madrid TICKETSIs a user registration system where you , as a legitimate holder of tickets for an event or public show that wishes to cede them to a third party, you can put them on sale through our platform (mediators), with the aim of buyers requesting tickets can buy and enjoy event or show in your place.

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      Fill in the required fields with your personal information

      Select the method you prefer to receive your payments
      We need a credit card to verify your identity
      * Don t worry, we will not charge you


      IMPORTANT: check regularly on your email folder Spam, it is possible that your anti-spam settings save the mail in the spam box. Sorry. Thank you.

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